Sydney - Genius weft


1 review

Weight Grams

COLOUR DESCRIPTION ( Please note , this is our advice from hairdresser to hairdresser and our opinion and advice on colour ONLY . Your colour range may slightly vary depending on the brand of colour you use and country your in )

Level 6 | Sydney would best suit level 6 clients with a warm hue throughout , however can also be toned to a cool level 6 using a 6 level toner with some ash , Sydney is also stunning used throughout a darker brunette natural colour to add some soft highlights or dimension.

100% Remy human hair means that all the cuticles are facing the same direction , making these extensions soft and natural without matting and becoming dry or coarse.

Our hair retains the natural cuticle by eliminating the acid bath or silicon coatings used in many factories. The bleach process is also slower and softer retaining more elasticity, health and shine.

To ensure longevity, be sure to use Baciami extension shampoo and conditioner, designed specifically for your hair extensions.

Weight per pack: 50G per pack (100G = Full Head , we recommend 150G - 200G For thick to extra thick hair )